Art of Designing Strange Economies: Playing Towards Post-capitalism at FAVU

A talk and a workshop with Pekko Koskinen. Monday 09.05. 2022, U2 – 216.

In the talk, Pekko will introduce possibilities of designing for cooperation beyond the current economic rules and boundaries. We’ll look into novel concepts like Organizational Art or the esoteric discipline of Designing Strange Economies. In the subsequent workshop, we’ll then explore how we could apply these insights and tools to the FAVU context in a playful and experimental way and see whether a community currency platform could emerge to support students, projects and initiatives.


Pekko Koskinen (FI) představí tvořivý pohled na možné podoby spolupráce, překračující hranice současných přístupů a ekonomických modelů, inspirovaný optikou herního designéra. Pekko načrtne experimentální koncepty jako “Organizační umění” či “Design zvláštních ekonomik” a ukáže jak můžou týto koncepty oživit místní ekosystém. Nebude také chybět obligátní otázka: “Mohou koncepty jako NFT nebo DAO být užitečné v kontextu uměleckých komunit, nebo je to cesta k dystopii?” V navazujícím workshopu poté prozkoumáme, zda a jak by mohly některé z těchto přístupů být využity prakticky v kontextu FAVU pro podporu studentských projektů a iniciativ.


When: Monday 09.05. > 16:00 – 17:00
Where: FaVU, U2 – 216

At the start, we will outline how economy is composed of a vast multitude of economies, large and small, placing it at a scale we’re empowered to change. Along its explorations, the workshop will offer you tools to approach economy as desin, and speculate upon the (personal and social) effects of particular economic designs. We’ll also look whether concepts like DAOs or NFTs might be of any use or whether they’re just a fast lane towards dystopian futures of hypercapitalism.


When: Monday 09.05. > 17:30 – 19:30
Where: FaVU, U2 – 216

Join us to play and speculate with forms for economy and organization based on initiatives and projects adjacent to the FAVU space. How could we create economies based on peoples interests? Could we co-design it as a game? How could the FAVU ecosystem come more alive and how could students participate?

Questions that will guide our explorations:

  – What kind of rules we would like to drive our economy?

  – How should an economy look and feel like?

  – What kind of values would it support and generate?

  – What ways of life should it enable?

Pekko Koskinen is a game designer, artist and developer specialised in gamification of social conventions. With a background in game development, Pekko has been working on utopian and fictional ways of living at the performing arts laboratory Reality Research Center and as member of YKON artist collective. Currently, he coordinates the ECSA lab at Economic Space Agency, developing the Space platform for programmable economy and organisation. Most of his experiments have taken place within life at large, outside credited recognition. Within the field of conventionalized arts, some of his resulting systems have ended up in institutions, such as Athens and Mercosul Biennials, Volksbühne, NY MoMA. He is also participating at the ‚Economies of Value: New Art Ecologies‘ initiative of the Royal College of Art.